Thank you for registering for IEEE INERTIAL 2021! Please see below to learn more about the virtual event.
INERTIAL will include live Zoom sessions taking place from Monday, March 22 – Thursday, March 25. These sessions are scheduled within different time zones to ensure that everyone can attend some of the live sessions at their convenience. We highly encourage participation in these sessions, as they will allow you to ask presenters questions live and interact with other conference attendees. The Zoom links will be posted on the virtual CONFlux platform, which will be available for access beginning on Sunday, March 21.
Login details for the virtual platform will be sent out to all registered attendees at least 24 hours prior to the first live session (by March 21, 6:45 AM UTC). We will also send out daily digest emails including the session information.
Pre-recorded video presentations will be accessible on the virtual platform throughout the event, and until April 22, 2021. Please view the guide below for instructions on how to utilize the CONFlux virtual platform.
The Patrons listed below will also have dedicated pages within the platform. We encourage you to visit their virtual exhibit space and chat with them. Some Patrons will have Engagements scheduled and listed on their page. This means that they will be available at that time and you can join them in a video chat session for discussion and networking.
The Final PDF Program will be available shortly.